If looks could kill, everyone I've even so much as glanced at today would be dead.
I'm not quite sure what caused this mood, everything and nothing I guess is the answer - yes, us women are impossible to understand! I'm mainly blaming it on a cold I've got, the disrupted sleep last night and probably some of those pesky woman hormones. Mostly the sleep thing tho, if I'm either hungry or tired woe betide anyone who crosses my path, just give me food, a brew and a bed and retreat to a safe distance.
Because of this mood I am also particularly annoyed with, well, everything. I shall list it all...
The kids for shouting, screeching and walking round the house like a herd of elephants this morning when all I wanted to do was sleep.
Every room in the house needs tidying and hoovering.
There are coco-pops across the living room floor.
The bathrooms need cleaning.
The beds all need to be stripped.
I haven't phoned my Gran for 2 weeks.
There is a never ending pile of washing.
My car is dead.
The garden needs weeding.
I haven't been home for too long.
The kitchen needs putting back together.
I had to play Nitty Nora the nit nurse this morning to my stepsons who both seemed to have been very successful at breeding the horrible little things.
The stepkids Mum for not dealing with the nit infestation herself, apparently not even noticing it.
Oh and myself, very annoyed with myself for being annoyed with all of the above because I shouldn't worry about it all, but I do.
Basically the only thing I'm not annoyed with is the cat, who is sat with me on the bed as I write this.
However I look at this list and have no motivation to do very much of any of it - I've stripped our bed and will hoover the living room later, that may be about it. Which makes me even more annoyed with myself especially as it's Monday tomorrow and I know I'll be pissed off with myself for wasting my Sunday by being in a mood! I don't even want to phone my Gran in case she can sense my mood over the phone which will make her worry about me.
I just want to curl up and cry, about nothing and everything, about just not feeling strong enough to do it all today.
I walked round Tesco earlier and had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying.
I'm crying now.
I will force myself to do some stuff off this list to stop myself from crying.
Sometime though I just have these days, hopefully some of
you reading this have them too and it's not just me that needs
I'll be fine tomorrow, I always am, but just now I'd just like to run away from the world.
Z x